
Walkerville Primary School values and celebrates strong, positive connections with parents and families and one way to do this is by being a volunteer. Classroom support, excursions, special events and sport activities are all ways we rely on the goodwill, expertise and care of our volunteers. Parent and community participation can contribute to the life of our school in a number of ways:
- It shows your child how much you value their education. Taking the time to volunteer at the school shows your child how important their school and their education are to you.
- It teaches community. Volunteering your time shows the importance of participating in the larger community, it demonstrates the importance and value of working together.
- It improves communication with our teachers. When you volunteer in the classroom, you get to know your child’s teacher in a different way and gives you the opportunity to talk about other subjects and build a positive relationship.
- It allows you to see your child as a student and how they interact with classmates. As a parent, you seldom get to see how your child interacts outside of your home environment, you will watch them build relationships, problem solve and grow as an individual.
To become a volunteer, please complete the following:
- Volunteer Application Form
- Working with Children Check application
- Responding to Risks of Harm, Abuse and Neglect – Education and Care (RRHAN-EC) – online course takes approx. 1 hour to complete
- General Induction – online course takes approx. 20 minutes to complete
- Site Induction and welcome – hosted by Chris Edmonds, Principal – onsite meeting takes approx. 30 minutes
All application forms and details to access online training are below. If you have any questions, would prefer a paper copy or would like to book your Site Induction, please contact the front office on 8344 36498 or dl.0457.info@schools.sa.edu.au
We look forward to welcoming you as a volunteer at Walkerville Primary School.
How to Volunteer
Word Doc, 4MB
Volunteer Application Form
Word Doc, 204KB
Volunteer Information Brochure
Adobe PDF, 147KB
Walkerville Primary School Map
PDF, 475KB
Role Descriptions
Camp and Excursion Volunteer
Word Doc, 52KB
Classroom Helper
Word Doc, 50KB
Library Helper
Word Doc, 51KB
Listen to Reading Volunteer
Word Doc, 51KB
Sports Volunteer
Word Doc, 51KB

Open 8.00am - 4.30pm
Telephone 08 8344 3649
CRICOS Provider Number: 00018A