Governing Council

Walky needs you!

Join a Walkerville Primary committee to meet new people, be involved in the ongoing success of the school, and contribute your thoughts and ideas.

Walkerville Primary School’s sub-committees of Governing Council are a vital part of our community. Each committee is made up of parent volunteers and a leadership representative, who work collaboratively to develop recommendations, strategies and actions to positively contribute to the life and culture of the school.

You don’t need any experience to join a committee – simply a passion to get involved and an interest in contributing to a particular area.

Meetings are generally held twice a term out of school hours, with most meetings around one hour in length.

There are also opportunities to volunteer in other capacities and during school hours as part of the Friends of Walkerville.

Any questions?

Please contact:
Chris Edmonds
P 8344 3649

Financial Advisory committee terms of reference

Adobe PDF – 641KB

Learning and Wellbeing terms of reference

Adobe PDF – 364KB

Out of school hours care terms of reference

Adobe PDF – 574KB

Friends Of Walkerville terms of reference

Adobe PDF – 552KB

Environment Grounds Facilities terms of reference

Adobe PDF – 696KB

School Committee Nomination

Environment, grounds & facilities

Provides advice on the development and strategic planning of grounds, buildings and facilities in a sustainable way, and in support of student wellbeing and educational outcomes. The Committee is currently engaged with the school on developing and upgrading outdoor play and learning spaces. Working bees may also be facilitated by the group in the future to engage the Walky community in these developments.


Working with the school’s Finance Officer, the Finance Committee advises the Governing Council about budgetary and financial matters including items such as; budget reviews, monitoring of revenue and expenses, management of the capital plan and review of external auditor findings.

Friends of Walkerville

Friends of Walkerville work together to ensure that social interaction, fundraising and parent support enhance the school’s unique culture and community through special events and activities. Parent engagement and involvement is at the heart of Walkerville Primary School. Strong collaboration, interaction and partnership with parents, caregivers and leadership, in a variety of formal and informal ways, is facilitated through the Friends of Walkerville.

Learning & wellbeing

This advisory group recognises that Learning and Wellbeing are interdependent. The Committee works collaboratively with school leadership to consult and make recommendations regarding the Learning and Wellbeing of students at Walkerville.

Out of school hours care

The OSHC Management Committee assists the Governing Council, Principal and OSHC Directors to comply with national regulations and to ensure the quality of care being offered is in keeping with the values principles and policies of the school council community and the department.


The Sports Committee works with coaches and volunteers to improve the quality and variety of out of school sports being offered to students. The Committee sets standards around the expectation of behaviour and being a good sport, and develops resource plans that reflect the interest and needs of all sports.

Yes, I’m interested in joining a Walky school committee!

Our school

159 Stephen Tce
Walkerville SA 5081

Postal address

PO Box 20
Walkerville SA 5081


Open 8.00am - 4.30pm
Telephone 08 8344 3649

CRICOS Provider Number: 00018A

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